
The goal of this NextJS application was to create a solution who'd offer an intuitive UI for teachers to quickly enter the presences of the students of a certaiin lecture without needing much time for that (or sending a report to the office)
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This is a Create React App - most data is stored on a backend on sanity.io and queried over GraphQL. In a first version the only goal was to be able to display profiles of football players and clubs
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This project has been one of the first complete React app that I have written from scratch. The idea behind it was to analyze Pictures and generate a Color Palette from it and what's better than building palettes for football clubs.
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In the past, I used to re-create my own pages every few years and most of those versions would have been on Wordpress. I have been doing some wordpress development for a few websites back in the days too, but I stopped with it.One of the reasons was, that I think I wasn't enjoying PHP. So this project with Frontity ("The React Framework for Wordpress"), was again a page back with Wordpress
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